Sunday, April 18, 2010


Luke has a giraffe lovie that was given to him by our good friends Damon and Amanda. We call it "Raffie" and Luke absolutely loves that thing...he can't go anywhere without it! Whenever we leave the house, Brent and I are constantly asking "Did you get Raffie?", "Where's Raffie?" I'm always paranoid we're going to leave it somewhere and poor Luke would be traumatized for life...he loves "Raffie" that much! You won't see many pictures where "Raffie" is not right next to Luke and if you do, it's because I had to pry "Raffie" out of his hands in order to get a picture without it.
The problem is, that if "Raffie" gets dirty from food, spit up, dirt, etc., I have to wash it. This of course creates a huge problem because Luke is forced to be away from "Raffie". So, I e-mailed Amanda to find out where this blanket came from so I could have a spare for times when "Raffie" had to get "a bath". Luckily, I was able to find it at Crate and Barrel children's store Land of Nod. The best part is that they sell them in packs of three for this very reason. Luke was so excited when I showed him his three clean, new Raffies!


Brandi said...

Too cute!!!! What a big boy Luke is becoming. Addison had a blankie that she was obsessed with. We had to order another one too. HEHE!

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