Our sweet Lukie is already halfway through his 1st year!
He has learned so much in his first 6 months and so have Brent and I! We have all of his cries figured out, when he's hungry, sleepy, or needs a diaper change; and know that when he starts sucking his thumb it's only a matter of minutes before he's off to dreamland.
He is so much more active now and keeping up with his curiosity has become quite a challenge! He's constantly reaching for and trying to eat things that he shouldn't - the remote control, our cell phones, the computer, my hair, Tobie's fur, magazines, paper, and on and on. And of course as soon as we take something away from him, he gets extremely upset!
And he is so interested in food! When Brent and I eat, he leans forward and opens his mouth wide and as soon as he sees his bottle, he starts reaching for it and will even cry if we don't get it to him fast enough. The teachers at his daycare say he does the same thing at school...they end up feeding him constantly because any time one of the other kiddos eats, Luke thinks their eating his bottle and starts to cry until someone feeds him...what a stinker!
In the last 6 months, our Luke has changed so much and so have our lives...I have loved every minute of it and can't wait to see what the next 6 months has in store.