Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Luke's Latest

What is Luke up to these days? Well, he keeps us on our toes that's for sure!
He's ALL over the place, walking from room to room and getting into EVERYTHING!

He absolutely loves to be outside. He must say "out" a hundred times a day and he waves "Hi" to EVERYONE that drives or walks by. It's really bad when a neighbor is out, because he says "Hi" and waves over and over and over again!

He gasps when he gets really excited about something and clinches his fists when he's upset.

He's gotten really good at dropping things on purpose and then saying "uh-oh".
He loves to unroll the toilet paper in the restrooms and to flush the toilet.

He also loves to talk. He's started using all kinds of inflections when he talks. He tries so hard to get his point across by using his hands. Whatever he's trying to tell us is always VERY important!

and embarrasingly, he loves to eat Dog Food! We have to feed the dogs at the same time we feed Luke so that he's in his highchair and not on the floor with them when they eat...otherwise, he steals their food.

He loves to eat and says "mmmmm" whenever he sees me open the pantry or refrigerator.
He loves fruit too which makes me so happy, but I made the mistake of introducing him to Cool Whip one day when we were eating strawberries and now he's hooked!

He loves to give kisses and hugs, especially to Tobie. His kisses are so cute too because he opens his mouth really wide.

He loves brushing his teeth

and playing in the tupperware cabinet (which helps so much when I'm trying to cook)

and he loves to put on our shoes and hats

Crystal Light

Luke has gotten to the point where he absolutely HATES laying down to have his diaper changed. In order for him to stay still long enough to get changed, I usually give him something to play with while I'm changing him. We have his changing pad on the kitchen counter (random, I know) so I just grabbed the first thing I could find which was a Crystal Light packet. took him no time to bite into the packet and have Crystal Light powder EVERYWHERE! Unfortunately, the Crystal Light was red too. It was all over his changing pad, the counter, the floor, and him, he looked like he had been in a horrible fight.
I immediately gave him a bath, and got most all of it off of him.
When I took him out of the tub, I gave him his lovie, Raffie, to calm him down while I attempted to put another clean diaper on him. WELL apparently, Raffie had Crystal Light powder all over him too! So, once again Luke was a mess, Crystal Light all over! So we went back into the tub and I made sure there were no remnants of Crystal Light anywhere near when I finally put a clean diaper on him.
These pictures don't do it justice, but I wasn't able to get any pics of him before the first bath because I was so frazzled on what to do with him and everything else that was covered with Crystal Light.
Never thought I'd say it, but I think I'm ready to go back to work :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hanging out in Houston

Brent, Luke, and I spent all of last week in Houston...Brent had to work, but Luke and I got to hang out with Gran and Pap all week. We were hoping for sunnier weather so that we could go to the beach and the zoo, but we still managed to have a lot of fun indoors!

We went to the Houston Children's Museum

and to the Houston Aquarium

and spent lots of time being silly at Gran and Pap's House

this is what happens when you run out of swim diapers...poor Luke was having a hard time walking because his diaper was so water logged.

and Brent and I had some much needed adult time with friends