Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Fling

Luke's day care had a Spring Fling festival this weekend. Luke was too young for most of the activities, but still had fun seeing his teachers and all the other kiddos.
He had his first taste of a snow cone and loved it so much we ended up having two.

Taking a picture with one of his teachers

on the playground...

Snow Cone #1

Snow Cone #2


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Muddy Buddy

Now that the weather has gotten nicer, Brent's been eager to get out in the yard and get the flower beds and lawn looking good again after our unusually cold winter.

We spent most of last Saturday outside pulling weeds, pruning and planting flowers, and just getting things back in shape.

Luke had so much fun spending the day outside and as you can see from the pictures, he really enjoyed playing in the dirt.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Luke has a giraffe lovie that was given to him by our good friends Damon and Amanda. We call it "Raffie" and Luke absolutely loves that thing...he can't go anywhere without it! Whenever we leave the house, Brent and I are constantly asking "Did you get Raffie?", "Where's Raffie?" I'm always paranoid we're going to leave it somewhere and poor Luke would be traumatized for life...he loves "Raffie" that much! You won't see many pictures where "Raffie" is not right next to Luke and if you do, it's because I had to pry "Raffie" out of his hands in order to get a picture without it.
The problem is, that if "Raffie" gets dirty from food, spit up, dirt, etc., I have to wash it. This of course creates a huge problem because Luke is forced to be away from "Raffie". So, I e-mailed Amanda to find out where this blanket came from so I could have a spare for times when "Raffie" had to get "a bath". Luckily, I was able to find it at Crate and Barrel children's store Land of Nod. The best part is that they sell them in packs of three for this very reason. Luke was so excited when I showed him his three clean, new Raffies!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our House is Growing by Two Feet

As of August our family will be changing from a family of three to a family of FOUR! We will have another baby to hold, another little one to love!

We just found out this week that it's a baby girl! We're so excited about the news and can't wait to meet our precious little girl in just a few short months!

I am 19 weeks which calculates to a due date of August 28th, but if Baby Girl is anything like her brother, she will be early. That will make Luke and his new little sister 17 months apart.

God has poured out His grace and mercy and favor on us while blessing us with this new little one to join our family! We give Him so much praise for the life He's created and for being so sweet to bless us with a little baby girl!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birthday Bunny

Luke celebrated his 1st birthday this past weekend on April 4th, which was also Easter Sunday...What a great blessing to be able to celebrate Luke's first year of life the same day we celebrate our gift of eternal life from Jesus!

Brent and I took Luke up to Marble Falls and Lake Buchanan to visit Brent's grandparents and have a small Easter Birthday celebration. We had been planning a birthday party for Luke at Brent's Granny and Papaw's house ever since Luke was born...we go there every Easter so this year would be no different.
Sadly though, Brent's Granny had a stroke a few weeks ago and is in a rehab facility until she gets well enough to go home. We didn't want her to feel left out of the celebration, so we took Luke's birthday party to her. We reserved a room at the rehab facility, brought snacks and cake, and lots of presents for little Luke.

Luke had so much fun playing in the lake at Granny and Papaw's, opening birthday presents, eating (and wearing) birthday cake, and getting goodies from the Easter bunny!

Luke enjoying his new red wagon...Brent hated Luke's birthday hat, he said he looked like a "Ruskie". I thought he looked adorable and told Brent I'm going to have one made for BOTH of them next year:)

Opening more presents...we had to put the other presents in the wagon at first so that Luke would actually pay attention to them, he just couldn't get enough of his new wagon!

Playing in the Lake

Cruising around the lake in his wagon...he was pretty pooped by this point


I took Luke to the park by our house to take some pictures in the bluebonnets. He kept trying to pick them and eat them so these are the best pics I could get.