Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Reason for Harrison

Here's Luke with one of my dear friends Gina Harrison...she is one of the most amazing women I know. Such a God-filled woman and such an inspiration to those around her. Love, love, love her!

Delighted with Day Care

I went back to work two weeks ago which means that Luke has officially started day care. We enrolled him at Primrose, a cute little day care right up the road from us. I tried to ease him into it by starting him three weeks ago while I was still at home. I would drop him off for an hour or so while I ran errands. He absolutely hated it! He would cry for quite a while and then get so tired from crying he would fall asleep. It broke my heart!
This past week was his first full week there, and I am happy to report that he is now loving it! He doesn't cry anymore when I drop him off (and neither do I). He smiles a lot and "talks" to the teachers and the other kiddos.
I've been timing how long it takes him to fall asleep on the way home. The longest he has lasted has been about a minute AND he now sleeps 12 hours straight each night!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

4 Months

It's hard to believe Luke is four months old! I'm sure he still looks very small to most people, but to me, he's a giant. He looks almost nothing like he did when he came out of my tummy. He's longer, bigger, and he has at least 2 more chins. He's not a newborn anymore, and although I don't like time moving so fast, it's exciting to see him grow and change.

He's much more awake than he used to be, he smiles a lot, and he just had his first laugh! He was laughing at something that wasn't funny at all, but that didn't make it any less exciting!

He recognizes mommy and daddy and is endlessly entertained by the T.V. He grabs toys and has found (and is totally mesmerized by) his feet. He drools a lot and now that he is grabbing things, he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.
He's also become quite content with playing on his own which means that now I might actually be able to get caught up on housework.

I love you sweet Luke! Thank you Jesus for blessing us with this precious baby boy!