Friday, October 8, 2010

A New Normal

Transitioning from one child to two has been a bit of an adjustment to say the least. Now that I'm officially back at work, things are pretty hectic during the week.
Brent continues to travel just about every week and as hard as I try, I can't help but be envious of his evenings away enjoying expensive dinners with clients followed by 8+ hours of uninterrupted sleep. Some days I want to strangle him, but then I think 'wait'...I need his help!

MY evenings now consist of - bottles, baths(unfortunately, not my own), too many diaper changes to count, putting Livie's pacifier back in her mouth for the ump-teenth time, wondering who's calls I'm missing as I hear my cell phone ring but can't answer it because I'm holding TWO babies, driving the neighborhood listening to lullabies so the babies will fall asleep...or at least quit crying, reading the same baby book over and over to Luke while still holding Olivia and trying to get them both to fall asleep...yet keep myself awake.

Trying to figure out how to balance work and family has been quite the challenge, so far I'm not doing so well...I'm pretty sure I've been kicked out of the Mom of the Year Club.
I've accepted the fact that I'm going to have to lower my expectations and if my hair or make-up is not done or the house is a wreck, it WILL be OK!

As crazy as life is right now though, I wouldn't change it for the world! I absolutely adore my family and couldn't imagine my life without them!

Some pictures of our craziness -

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Fall Ya'll!

I absolutely love this time of year...there are so many wonderful things about Fall -spending time outside in the beautiful weather, watching college football with my hubby, and anticipation of the holidays and eating way too much!

Brent and I decided to get out and take advantage of the beautiful weather so we took the kiddos to Millberger's, a little nursery not too far from our house. We were so excited when we got there because they had completely decked the place out for Fall! There were all sorts of things set up for little ones - a pumpkin patch, a hay maze, and a train that drove around the nursery. Luke had such a great time while little Olivia slept through it all in the stroller.

waiting for the train ride

his hair was such a sweaty mess